Ragnar Redbeard Archive & Publisher proudly present the whole Chapter III. issue of "THE STANDARD BEARER" Edited By HARD KASH. December 17, 1893. Including warts and all (some corrections may occur) but we try to present everything "as is."



“A fire devoureth before them. Behind them a flame burneth. The land is as a Garden of Eden in front of them, and in their wake a wilderness desolate.—Joel, the Prophet.



The eutrailment of credit is still the rule in Sydney. Even the advent of Christmas and the grain harvests does not seem to make any appreciable difference. The markets are flooded with “unredeemed pledges,” in the shape of city lands, pastoral leases and property of all descriptions. The Damoclean sword of bankruptcy hangs threateningly over nearly all the wholesale houses, and as for the mortgage banks, the majority of them are only enabled to keep afloat by means of the confidence trick, and an almost unlimited issue of paper, based upon imaginary assets. The Stock Exchange is infested with broken down, goldmine scrip gamblers, who distrust and hate each other. They are like so many lean and hungry wolves that cannot find a carcass, and are therefore prepared to raven one another. The clergy and the politicians, most of them, are up to the neck in the swindle, and consequently, are thoroughly distracted and discredited. As for the mob, it is in a state of dull speechless apathy, that may any time be broken up and bring about a reign of terror, destruction, and death, for desperate men are blind to all obstacles. The future is black with the darkness that precedes a catastrophe of some sort.

H. Lucy, who writes the “Sydney Morning Herald’s” London Letter, is a shareholder in the Commercial Bank of Australia. Mr. Henry Crossley’s action against the Commercial banking Co. has produced quite a sensation in the financial world of Sydney. Startling revelations are expected regarding the manipulations of Government deposits during heyday of the loan time, also with respect to unprofitable station advances and political overdrafts. The indictment asserts (so we read in Melbourne “Table Talk”) that the returns disclose an alarming state of things. The plaintiff is an expert accountant, who lately obtained £650 from the Commercial Bank of Australia by means of an action in the Supreme Court of Victoria. If this case goes before a jury it will be very interesting. Barrister Ferguson a young lawyer of more than average ability has been retained by the plaintiff.

Go Ahead Klub meets Thursdays.


Two thirds of the Coolgardie gold mining Coy’s now being floated in Sydney and Melbourne are brazen swindles. Further particulars by and by.



The STANDARD BEARER may be obtained at the following places—221½ Castlereagh St, 435 Sussex St, at all Domain meetings, and Public Meetings in the City.

We have received from S. A. Rosa (a prominent Sydney orator of striking natural ability) a copy of his latest literary work “The Coming Terror”. It is a political romance, graphically written. The plot of the story is laid in Sydney and the leading idea is that of a popular Hero who becomes Dictator and uses Law and Order to smash up the Great Robber Rings. The first chapter opens with a dramatic and terrible scene—a raging, blood-drunken mob looting the Great Austral Bank. The crowd fight each other for the gold—the gold that had been made out of their slavery and starvation. The book ought to be read, especially by all interested in bringing about a Social Renaissance. S.A. Rosa is a man whose ability is not appreciated at iis proper value but his time will come.

THIS publication has, up to date, been a distinct success. Each issue sold right out. The price has now been reduced to one penny or 2s per vol of 30 chapter, in advance. This change has been contemplated from the first. We hope therefoae to acquire and retain a larger circulation than ever among the more thoroughgoing and determined “Warriours for the Right’, without losing the respect of business men with ‘thrift’ safely invested in some boomed-up but rotten Company. Political frauds shall be remorslessly exposed as far as space permits. Neither shall the droned perfidy and pulpit drivel of the Church pass unchallenged as Christs Great Gospel. Australian politics’ is an atrocious swindle, Australian “Christianity” a blasphemous Lie, and Australian ’,Finance” and organized brigandage and Australian popular Tribunes—men without valor. “O where!’ might well be asked in the language of Ossian, “are the heros of to—day?”


The new Sydney Clearing House is to be conducted uyon a bullion basis i.e., by means of a pool of gold, each bank putting in its proportion. This fact shows the suspiciou and distrust with which the banks regard each other. They know.

London Chartered Bank’s list, of clergymen shareholders unavoidably squeezed out.

Several of the Sydney banks have issued immense quantities of notes during the last six months. Since the lapsing of the Legal Tender Proclamation city tradesmen are very chary of accepting the notes of two cronk institutions.

Mr. james mason, of Victoria, alleges that Gyles Turner, poet and general manager (white elephant) Commercial Bank dummied 560 shares (liability £12,000) in the bankrupt Freehold Investment Co. Supreme Court Judge Holroyd says that such a serious allegation should not be made except on affidavit.

The STANDARD BEARER may now be obtained at Burns’s 437 Oxford St—at Fuller’s 422 & 548 Geo St —at Fig’s 8 King St & Shott’s 341 Oxford St.


O, the bowers of Babylon are rare, and the tinkling fountains play, over gardens hung in the drowsy air, where careless youth and maiden fair, are dreaming the years away.

And the Kings of Babylon are strong, their dungeons dark and deep, and the Rich rejoice in a reign of Wrong, and the Priesthood joins in the robbers’ song, while the toilers work and weep.

But stern and still like a group of Fates, round the cities roar and din, the invading hosts of the

conqueror waits, in the midnight hush outside the gates while the feast goes on within.

O, the walls of Babylon are high, and their arches grim and low, and the birds of Commerce scream and fly, while the proud Euphrates wanders by, in its dark relentless flow.

But the river that rolls in Mammon’s pride, shall the People’s Servant be, by a Caesar’s will shall be turned aside, and the channel surge with a grander tide, than the pulse of the Persian Sea.


Cocopara, John Armour, 13,220 acres; Cocopara East, Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Co,, 70,500 acres; Nariah, Trust and Agency Co., 137,191 acres; Ulonga, Bank off Australasia, 234,466 acres; Coree, Sam. McCaughey, 70,000 acres; Binya, Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Co., 90,000 acres; Murrel Creek, Australian Mortgage, land and Finance Co., 36,677 acres; Grong Grong, Thos. H. Bear, 7,154 acres; Pinnacle, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., 32,188 acres.


“One man one vote” must not go under, except at the point of the bayonet.


The blackmailing of industry has ever been a favourite method of obtaining riches without labour. In all ages unscrupulous speculators have, more or less, successfully levied toll upon travellers. Piracy was for many centuries a lucrative speculation and millions of cash was invested therein. Every passing trader had to pay toll or “go under.” The historic barons of the middle ages were also in their day typical blackmailers. A band of robbers combined under a chief and built themselves a stronghold at the interaction of trade routers by river, sea, or highway. Every bale of merchandise had to pay these ironclad companies tribute, and every wayfarer ditto. If any one dared resent being plundered he was seldom heard of again. “The castled crag of Drachenfels,” and other romantic structures are the ruined remains of feudal robbers’ dens. In modern times civilization notwithstanding, blackmailing is also a highly profitable business, but the blackmailer has transformed himself into a Joint Stock Company of Bankers, land speculators, or steam ferry men. Names have been changed, but industry and trade are robbed just as effectually as when mail-clad brigands rode forth to murder and rapine across the drawbridges of frowning moated castles.

Steam shipping companies (ocean or river ferrymen) always endeavour to obtain as high rates for freight and passage as the trade will bear. Without destroying the trade altogether they constantly plot to make as much profit as may be out of all those who are compelled “to pass their way.” These remarks are specially applicable to the old Balmain Ferry Company and the port Jackson Company.

For years these two Corporations had a practical monopoly of the Balmain and Manly Ferries, and have used their privileges to extort from passengers exorbitant blackmail rates. To the Directors the travelling public was as a prey, but a change came as last. The people of Balmain revolted, and established a rival Ferry Service of their own, since which time the shares of the old Company (bought for 17s. 6d.) have been hawked about and offered for 2s. and less, without any buyers being forthcoming, while capital has been written down from £150,000 to £93,000 (not a very healthy look about that). A meeting was also called by advertisement lately “to write off capital by paying off capital”—a sentence of mystic import seemingly derived from some secret Abracadabra. No half-yearly balance sheet has been published up to date, a peculiar circumstance which has not occurred before to our recollection. Altogether, although the old Company is making desperate struggles for supremacy, and has met, so far, with but little success. The names of the gentlemen composing this Company of legalized man shearers, also the number of shares held by each, is given below. Companies consist of human beings, and said human beings may be made in many ways to feel the resentment of those whom they would oppress or shear. Of course the most logical method of working our suburban ferries and trams would be to make them free—to municipalise them in fact. In the meantime, however, much may be done to tame the arrogance of ironclad monopoly by turning its own methods and its own weapons against itself. We merely offer these cursory remarks and names in explanation. However, intelligent readers can work the idea out to a logical and highly practical conclusion. Beware of entering into a quarrel, but when once in it bear yourself so that your enemy will fear you. In these days, both in politics and trade, it is “woe to the vanquished,” and Cash, Hard Cash for the victor. Sentiment counts for nothing, and Christianity, on questions of money making, is practically non-existent.

No. Shares.                      Names, etc.

1952             …                  Carey—Director “Daily Telegraph”—shareholder Omnibus Company, Manly Beach Ferry, and dozens of other dividend-grinding corporations, including A Wine and Spirit Co. and Sydney Land Bank.              


2000             …                  Alt (and daughters)—Director N. Coast Co., men’s wages 3d. per hour, also partner in a Brewery Company, and in many other usurious companies, some of which are hopelessly bankrupt.


100               …                  Dr. Carruthers of Balmain.


200               …                  A man named Creer.


1,500      …         Leonard Dodds—Shareholder in dozens of Loan Companies and Banks. A professional speculator.


125               …                  Josiah Mulins—Sharebroker, Congregational Lay Preacher, Stock Exchange Manipulator, philanthrophist, Mission Hall man, and Director Reconstructed Bank.


600               …                  Malcolm Bros.—One of them a Director, mixed up in Bruce Smith’s Imperial Arcade whisky mills.


1,178            …                  Edward Turner—Connected with the Manning Ring, Manager of the I. S. N. Co.


1,100            …                  Potts and Paul—Tenants of Presterian Church.


768               …                  Wm. Shenton—Shareholder Omnibus Company, port Jackson Co., etc.


100               …                  Norman Selfe, C.E., of Hudson Bros., Railway Contractors—connected with Prospect and Nepean water business.


1,400            …                  Watson, Junior.


3,050            …                  Watson

J. C.


1,500            …                  Watson, Alderman


500               …                  Watson, Edward. Prominent Balmain Methodist of more than average sanctity.


2,000            …                  Joseph Sorry—Originally owned Johnston’s Bay Ferry (compelled to sell out).


786               …                  John Taylor — Timber Merchant, Port Jackson Company.


807               …                  Geo. Elliot (Director)  —Druggist, Shareholder North Coast Steamship Company, etc. Many of the Balmain Friendly Societies’ drugs, etc., are procured through him, a circumstance that ought to be looked into.


28                 …                  Thomas Turner.


516        …                  John Woods—A Manly magnate, who made his money as a night-soil contractor (much to his honour and glory). He is a shareholder in the Omnibus Co., Port Jackson Co., and scores of other slave-driving syndicates.


500               …                  James Watt—late with Dodds.


302               …                  Ebenezer Vickery, M.L.C.—A holy man of God, who nearly wears out his knew praying in the Centenary Hall, over which it is said he holds, or did hold, a mortgage. He is a large employer of brick making slays, and earns much profit thereby, which is from his point of view, a high compliment to God. He is a Director of N. and H. R. Company, that lately reduced wages of its “hands” to 3d. per hour, also a member of National Ass.


100               …                  Mitchelmore—Balmaine.


824               …                  John Pope—Energetic member of National Ass. And dealer in stocks and shares.


893               …                  G. F. Elliot.


20                 …                  F. W. Elliot.


839               …                  Franki—The Mort’s Dock Hero.


3,000            …                  Forsaith — Rope Manufacturer, Dibbs’s Lester, and O’Neal. Port Jackson Co. shareholder.


947               …                  Fairfax, A. O. Amy and S. E.., of the “Sydney Morning Herald” Proprietory. Related to Captain Hixon of the Marine Board.


802               …                  Fitzhardinge, M. A. H. (Director)—Solicitor, brother to Judge Fitzhardinge.


150               …                  Fitzhardinge, John Perry.


800               …                  Fitzhardinge, Grantly.


531               …                  Haselton, Capt.—One time chief-officer of the “You Yangs.”


781               …                  John Hardie—Alderman and retired baker.


200               …                  Hy. Hudson, of Hudson Bros., large contractor for Railway Commissioners.


500               …                  Alex Hill.


500               …                  W. Keep—Ironmonger.


100               …                  Robert Kirkland.


502               …                  John Kirkland (Director)—Machinery Importer—prominent Pressbyterian.


546               …                  John McClements (Director).


268               …                  Angus McKay—Lecturer Technical College, and one time Agricultural Editor of the Kanaka-loving “Queenslander.”


150               …                  A. H. Hardie.


400               …                  Joseph Abbot, M.L.A., of Goldsbrongh, Mortr & Co. (in reconstruction), etc., etc. This firm very prominent in connection with “Shoot ‘em down Brigade” of 1890.


150               …                  C. F. Lindemann—Secretary Marine Board. The Marine Board is a Judicial body, aud neither its members or officials should posess a pecuniary interest in matters that constantly come before them in their Judicial capacity. Neither public Liberty or property is accuse while Members of Parliament, or members of Judicial boards are permitted to pass judgement upon questions affecting their own enrichment.


549               …                  George Balls.


83,462 out of a total of ——

We are anxious to know if the solicitor for the Railway Commissioners in the Proudfoot case has been formally interviewed by a Mr. Garson Woods, and if the said interviewer suggested the following three individuals as witnesses for the Grown, i.e., for the defence—Mr. Sweet, ex head accounted for Messrs, Proudfoot and Co.; Mr. Jack, a relative of the Proudfoots; and another ex-accountant of the plaintiff firm, named Tennet? Secondly, we desire very earnestly indeed, to know if the above gentlemen are to be subpoened, and if not, why not? It is whispered that they are all prepared to give important evidence, but for some occult reasons, the Railway Commissioners are reluctant to call them. By the way, New South Wales appoints high-salaried officials to look after its iron highways, and other national pproperty, but who looks after the officials? Who? If a Liberal Parliament is chosen at the coming general elections, we hope and trust that four or five commissions will be set up to immediately investigate the financial management of several socialistic State Department—more especially the Treasury and Railway Departments.


Continued from Page 7.

to do so, on the same terms as above. All parties will apply to Archibald M. Hayes who will arrange all the details and pay over the money. EPHRAIM BENZET.

A thunderbolt falling in the town and smashing to inch bits could not have created more sensation. The verdict was that I was as mad as a march hare. The noise around poor Mr. Hayes was like a pandemonium. Next day Mr. Hayes gave me notice of his wish to retire from my service, he said that, he was a married man with a family, he must take care of them. The Bankers, the lawyers, merchants, clergymen, and property owners, who lend money and get as high as 50 per cent say you are mad. That you must be put into an insane asylum, your father is in institute proceedings against you, he is told that you are squandering in the money that should be his. I tell good Mr. Hayes I shall fly the village, but that he must not desert me or the good cause. I give him a certificate of deposit for five thousand dollars and assure him that he will not lose by assisting me. I leave him drafts for 8,000 dola more to use in pressing cases, I bid him good-bye, and ere morning am on the cars steaming to New York. I establish myself finally at Philadelphia in a handsome house, engage servants and do things in style, I set up a laboratory with a retort and stack it with astrological maps and charts. I engage a metal worker to manufacture for me a large number of bars of iron, similar to the bullion bars usually shipped from California, with one drop of my elixir I make a million dollars worth of gold, and take it to the mint, the officials are suspicious and ask my name, occupation, and address, finally I receive a receipt and leave the premises. That night twenty-five reporters called upon me. The paper were full of my doings. That night burglars employed by scientists broke into my laboratory and carried off a lot of vile smelling acids and drugs. Invitations from everywhere, photographers fell over one another to have me sit for my picture. I nearly go mad in reality, and rent a small cottage some distance away under an assumed name, so as to enjoy quiet, peace, and comfort. Some few days subsequent to the proceeding events I read in a newspaper of a man being horsewhipped by his mistress. Her name is Sophia Hetherington. His name is Charles Morell. As I read this telegram I am bad, my first love you have fallen low indeed. I loved Sophy. I love her still, she shall not remain in goal—I find Sophy is pure, gold opened the gates, Sophy is free. In a little time we were married. Sophy’s persecutor and slanderer is in a big way of business, he is known as a sweater and an immoral man. He must be ruined. I instruct an agent to buy up his P.N.’s. We find some of them forged. Morrell is arrested and his business “goes bung.” Sophia next organises all the sewing and factory girls in the city and instructs them that they are to form cooperative workshops and selling emporiums; and that no girl is to inquire or to say ought of another’s character, subsequent to the formation of such partnership so long as girls behave themselves and conform to existing rules and regulations past misdeeds are not to be spoken of. Sophie is a grand woman. She maintains that existing firms cannot pay better wages, because people want goods cheap, and there is much competition; she maintains that if a number of manufacturers met in council and agreed to put up the price of goods, so as to give better wages, other states or countries would supply cheaper than them, and so ruin their business. The remedy cannot come from the employers, it must come from the laborers, by organization, by asserting themselves at the ballot box by having a share in the Government and using its forces to lift up and defend their class.


Even the names of Saints are invoked to give an odour of hypocritic sanctity to mortgage, usury, and land gambling. The “St. Joseph’s” Investment Society is seemingly in reconstruction, because it cannot collect its Godly interest and its heavenly rents. (We shall have a mortgage shop under the patronage of an arch-angel shortly no doubt). Most of the shareholders are women, with a professional money changer, named Heydon, M.L.C., as their chief Grand Shylock. “Last year’s operations,” according to Mr. Hedon, “resulted in a clear profit, and therefore shareholders and depositors have reason to congratulate themselves, but in other respects things have not been over satisfactory.” Altogether, the management of this saintly pawnshop, even from the point of view of the wicked world, is not altogether of the best. The man who puts his spare cash into a mortgage agency controlled by pious and saintly politicians is blessed with confidence more than human. Usury and religion—saints and mortgages—distress warrants and the communion service—what and awful mixture.



"THE STANDARD BEARER" Edited By *HARD KASH - CHAP. III. December 17, 1893.

*HARD KASH - Another pseudonym used by Arthur Desmond (Ragnar Redbeard) -Ed.


“Still press us for

your cohorts,

And when the fight is won,

Still fill your garners with the spoils

That our good swords have won.”

The greatest thinkers, writers, deed doers, lawgivers, warriors, prophets, and poets, who, in past ages influenced the destinies of mankind, have all united in their denunciation of the usurer, as the incarnate type of human fiend and fraud. Plato, Plutarch, Solon, Confucius, Lycurgus, Moses, Isiah, and Christ himself, were bitter foes of usury. Rollin, in his Ancient History, writes, “Usury has always caused the ruin of States where it has been tolerated, and it was this disorder which contributed very much to subvert the constitution of the Roman Commonwealth, and gave birth to the greatest calamities in all the provinces of the Empire.” The fathers of the early Church. St. Basil, St. Jerome, St. Chrysostom, condemned professional money lending as one of the greatest crimes possible in a Christian community. In olden days the usurer had to carry on this nefarious trade in secret, without the assistance of hired legislators, brass door plates, and Annanias editorials. In the middle ages, Lombards who traded in percentage for a profit were hunted down like wild dogs as public enemies. Edward the First hanged 280 Jew “bankers” in London alone. To-day, the Hebrew firm of Rothschild & Co. occupy for all practical purposes Edward’s throne. What gave strength to the Reformation movement in Europe was the growth of usury under the protection of the Church. Martin Luther, in Germany, and Wycliffe, in England, both condemned moneylending for interest as immoral and unchristian, and worthy of the devil. Luther once said, “And since we break on the wheel, and behead highwaymen, murderers and house-breakers, how much more ought we to hunt down, curse and behead all usurers.”  Even to these days in primitive communities, where the human brain has not been poisoned by false doctrines, the trader in money is regarded with the same scorn and hatred with which we regard a blackleg or a thief. In Russia, the most powerful empire on earth, Czar and peasant are in one animus against Moses, Goshen & Co. Also all true followers of Mahomet regard both Christians and Jews as little better than cannibals, because in Turkey, India, Morocco, and Egypt, all over the Orient in fact, the money ghouls who prey upon the ragged fellaheen, famine stricken ryot, or free landowning tribesmen, are in every instance Christian bankers or Jew pawnbroking extortioners.

In our holy civilization, however, the dealer in money—the mortgage wolf, is supreme “Lord of All.” He is admiringly looked upon as a benefactor instead of being suppressed as a robber. The “glorious British Empire” is erected on wholesale money changing, and its armies and navies are but uniformed bailiffs or ironclad tribute collectors for the Rotschilds, Mundellas, Goshens, Barings, etc. The Parliament of Westminster consists, almost to a man, of bankers, rent robbers, brewers, retired cut-throats, or ennobled thieves. As for the English people, they are but patient, laborious beasts of burden, yoked with chains of steel to the dividend-grinding machinery of Lombard-street and Capel-court.

In this new Land of Promise we have slavishly imitated, in our institutions the murderous example of “holy” England. We also glorify the moneylender and worship the banker as if he were a God. We abase ourselves before him, we grovel in his presence, for are we not his slaves, and is he not our master? We crown him and raise him to the throne of power, we give him absolute control over our thrift and our lands, and then we wonder with sheepish stupidity, why we grow lean as he grows fat. Instead of driving the debt-broker, who speculates in our misery and destitution, out of public life and treating him as a social parasite, a conscienceless shearer of men; we look upon him as having a species of divine right to despoil us of our public lands and the cash that we so bitterly earn. If a financial banditti only call their blood-money dividends we bless them for their marauding, and if they distribute a share of the spoil among our clergy, politicians, or pressmen, then they are angels indeed. Look up the share registers of charteded loan companies, and see the princes of the Church and statesmen who receive every half year regularly their share of the blood-money—the plunder of the poor. As long as bankers control the law-making machine, so long will the producing classes be chained down in a vile and bitter bondage—the bondage debt. Diodorus said in days of long ago, what is still exceptionally true, “If you know how to rule money it is thy handmaid—if not it becomes thy ruler.”

In proof of these contentions we publish the following list of legislators who are bank directors. The list will be supplemented from time to time, as we have not space for them all in one chapter. As an object lesson it is a travesty of “representative institutions.”

Legislators, &c.                                                            Director of

Hon. G Thornton, M.L.C.,                                           City Bank,

” S, S. Joseph ”                                                            ”

Sir J. Ferguson, Bart.”                                                Bank of N. Z.

Thos. Russell, C.M.G.                                                ”

W. McMillan, M.C.A.                                                   Nat. Bank of Aus.

Hon. G. McLean, M.L.C.                                            Col. Bank of N.Z.

” R.Olliver ”                                                                   ”

” W. D. Stewart ”                                                          ”

” W. H. Reynolds ”                                                      ”

Sir G. Shenton, M.L.C.                                               West Aus. Bank

W. T. Loton, M.L.A.                                                     ”

Lord-Bishop Smith                                                      City Bank

Hon. W. Heat, M.L.C.                                                 Com. of Tasmania

W. Aplin, M.L.A.                                                           B. of North. Q.

— Nobbs, M.L.A.                                                         A. M. F. & B. & Co.

Hon. J. R. Dickson, M.L.A.                                        Royal of Q.

” T. Unmack, M.L.A.                                                    ”

” B. D. Morehead, M.L.A.                                           Queens. Nat.

Sir A. Palmer, K.C.M.G.                                             ”

E. V. Drury, C.M.G.                                                     ”

V. Gibbs, M.P. (E.)                                                      ”

Sir F. McCoy, K.C.M.G.                                              Perp. T. & G. Co.

Sir J. Gorst, M.P. (E.)                                                 N. Z. Loan & M.

H. C. Dangar, M.L.C.                                                  Aus. M., L. & I. Co.

Hon. A. S. Cowley,                                                     Bank of N. Z.

Hon. Felix Clewit                                                         ”

Sir J. G. Craig                                                              Austral M. & A. Co.

Hon. S. Stephen, M.L.C.                                                                  ”

” F. Suttor                                                                     ”

T. H. Hassal, M.L.A.                                                    Abigail’s bank

Hon. P. C. Glynn (E.)                                                  Dalgetty & Co.

C. M. Officer, M.L.A. (V.)                                           ”

Hon. J. M. Lackey, M.L.A.                                          ”

” J. Watson, M.L.C.                                                     City Bank

” R. Harper, ” (V.)                                                        Dep. & Mer. Bank

” C. J. Ham ”                                                                 ”

S. T. Staughton, M.L.A.                                              ”

L. T. Normandie, Senator                                          Comptoir National

Hon. F. S. Grimwade                                                  Royal of Aus.

F. S. Officer                                                                  ”

R. J. Alcock                                                                  ”

Hon. J. M. Pratt, M.L.C.                                              Land M. Bank of A.

” R. D. Reid                                                                  ”

” T. Loader                                                                   City of Melbourne

Sir J. Garrick (E)                                                          London Chartered

Hon. H. Mort, M.L.C.                                                   ”

” G. Coppin ”                                                                Com. of Aus.

” J. Service (P. of V.)                                                  ”

” R. Harper, .M.L.A.                                                     ”

” N. Thornley, M.L.C.                                                  ”

” W. B. Rounswell, ”                                                    ”

Sir F. Sargood ”                                                           ”

Hon. A. Raff,                                                                ”

” Sir J. L. Steere, M.L.C.                                            ”

Sir W. J. Clarke,                                                          Col. of Aus.

Hon. S. Williamson, M.L.C.                                       ”

” E. Knox ”                                                                    Com. Bank. Co.

” H. E. Kater ”                                                               ”

” H. Moses ”                                                                 ”

W. P. Manning, M.L.A. (Aud.)                                   ”

T. A. Dibbs (Aud.)                                                       ”

E. Fosbery (shareholder)                                          ”

Sir G. Dibbs (Aud.)                                                     ”

E. Barton, A. Gen. (shareholder)                             ”

To be continued.



The receipt of a Specimen Copy is an invitation to subscribe.

According to the law no bank can charge more than 5% interest on money lent. Will someone test it in Court?

Wanted Runner Boys and Agents everywhere. Liberal commission.

Wanted to buy a Bass Drum and two keyed Bugles.

Wanted a good Demy Printing Machine Apply office of this paper.

DOUGLAS Poultry and Dog Medicines. Prepared by H. T. Douglas (late owner), Cumberland Poultry Farm, Smithfield. A victim of our legalized Banking Hells. 435 Sussex-st.

The Active Service barracks 221¼ Castlereagh-st. under able management of Adjutant John xxxxxxxxxxx good financial footing.




Edited by No. 27 R.

The Sydney Brigade has of late done yeoman’s service in upholding the right of free speech at public meetings. If a public meeting now “resolutes” against popular opinion it is the fault of those present. They should rigidly select a chairman who is a fair man, and in sympathy with the aspirations of the people. Sir Henry Parkes would never have been voted into the chair at the late meeting if it had been thought for a moment that he would have sanctioned the use of hired bullies to assault peaceable citizens. The use of professional bravos to browbeat the public into

submission and silence must be put down with an iron hand. They are now being used by the Banking ring in a wild endeavour to suppress free speech. The have also been used in the suburbs by blackleg politicians for the same purpose. In one of the suburban wards a band of brutal ruffians, half mad with alcoholic stimulants, assaulted and brutaly illused everyone who resented the presence of two treacherous blackleg members upon a labor league platform. Beforehand, bullies and sloggers were primed with drink inside the hall—paid for with money that black-livered traitors earned by their banking votes. Such is politics in New South Wales. Cowardly labor traitors and banking dictators combining to murder and batter all who dare denounce their villany and swindling. In Ireland the traitor who touches Castle gold is hunted down like wild dogs, and in New South Wales it will soon be necessary for him who sells his country for mining scrip or loan company shares to walk the streets of our cities guarded by armed policemen and detectives. Labor members who sell their votes for a bribe are the vilest of the vile.

“If a man betrays you once shame upon him, if he betrays you twice shame upon you.”




The Active Service Brigade has NEVER MADE USE OF VIOLENCE nor broken the law, and yet it has tamed the arrogance of the greatest band of political ruffians in Australia. It will do more than that yet. Those who denounce it little know its power—little know the temper of the temper of the men who are behind it. However, if its friends are to be battered about by hired pugilists, seemingly in league wiih the police, it will be necessary for it also to hire a band of bruisers to defend its speakers. This can easily be done, and even now a body of Ironclad Irregulars is mooted. When the police are tacitly in league with such men as Mick Dooley and the Kelly Gang, it is time for the formations of a vigilance committee to guard human life and uphold free speech.




The management of the Police Force in new South Wales is an infernal disgrace, and if the present Inspector-General is not soon superseded there will be an outbreak of unprecedented violence some of these days. He is not fit to cope with modern circumstances, and we believe he is also unwilling, as he is a shareholder in the Commercial Banking Co., etc. The police and detectives are evidently encouraged to harass and annoy all men who denounce political and financial villany, while crimes of the foulest description go undetected. For instance, Detective Rochaix was seen to arrest a man for defending his life against the assault of Dooley, the prize-fighter. On the other hand, Dooley, the pugilistic coward that he must be, assaulted and battered and old man of 63 in the gallery of the Protestant Hall, while Rochaix and other Sydney detectives looked on approvingly. This kind of thing MUST stop.




A friend of the cause, named O’Reilly, and a thoroughgoing Democrat, was assaulted recently at a suburban “public” meeting because he made one harmless interjection. He pulled out a 22 calibre Smith & Weson to defend his life with. This kind of “iron argument," it is ”aid costs from £1 to £5, according to quality, and will bore a hole through a man’s skull very neatly at ten yards, and can be carried unnoticed in the vest pocket or in the hollow of the hand. Our advice is, DON’T buy this line of argument, and even if your life is in danger from a band of hired prize fighters, you must not shoot. It would be much better to be battered to death like a gentleman, or punched into a beautiful jelly, than to pill the human vermin who sell their brute muscle to blackleg Ms.L.A. for money and alcoholic poison.







Translated from an Ancient Papyrus.


written upon the scrolls, “He that sheweth, even to his friends, paper or book containing false witness he, even though he know it not, is guilty thereof,” and the people marvelled much, saying, “What manner of law is this?” as also all, even from east to west also wondered with an exceeding great wonder, at the great learning and justice contained therein. saying also in much disgust of spirit, “No man is safe.” But the rulers cared not, for they were Fat Men, and must not be scorned. But many of the “Lawnorder” tribe did rejoice exteedingly, saying, “Goodiron,” also “Ryebuck,” for these were opposed to the multitude.

Then said the Judge to the twelve a sermon, that they should find in him guilt, which they did as had been said, and he passed judgment, saying, “It is a grave wrong ye have done, and so must ye suffer,” and they seized him and cast him into quod for seven days and seven nights, that the law and the prophets might be justified and the dignity of Caesar be not mocked at in vain.

Now, all this was in the space of two days, and the others waited each their turn that they might be accused before the Judge. And he of Hibernia was next accused, and they did likewise the self-same thing, and talked much, the lawgiver who was his friend saying to them thusly: “Is there not a higher place of justice? Then shall there be decided as to who is right and who is wrong.” But he said yea! do as thou wilt, and they wilted, and they sent him away. In like manner also did they with him of the Rose, who when they had stood him before the Judge did deny them that were for the council of twelve till of the multitude none were left, but they got them more and did them proceed.

And then likewise did the lawgivers talk and dispute some more, “a leg off an iron pot,” as sayeth the proverb, and all were confounded at

(To be continued.)



Printed and Published by ARTHUR DESMOND, 436 Sussex Street, Sydney.

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