Arthur Desmond—Determination is key.
Mr. Desmond to contest the Hawke's Bay seat.
[The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed by correspondents.]
Sir, — I am very much pleased with the remarks you have made in to-day's issue. When I determined to contest this seat I made up my mind to encounter strong opposition. Still, the fear of that will not deter me from trying to do what I consider my duty to my fellow men. You say truly that I intend to make myself better known before the polling day.
Land nationalization is certainly an important question of the near future. To advocate it before the people understand it is, I think premature. But when it becomes a question of practical politics I am of opinion, with Mr. Gladstone, that the State should give the present possessors full compensation.
The shape or form which that compensation will take may then be decided upon. In the meantime, a land tax will satisfy every economic requirement.This letter is in explanation of only one remark in your leading article.
— I am, &c.,
Arthur Desmond.
June 26th, 1884.
Hawke's Bay Herald, 28 June 1884