Nietzsche in Ragnar Redbeard's (Redbeard's Review)
To the Editor of The Truth Seeker:
I am enclosing you a clipping from a London radical Journal (Redbeard's Review). It is very evidently the article on Nietzsche which has made Mr. C. F. Hunt, Chicago, so awfully mad.
Nietzsche, I may be allowed to point out, was of Polish blood and Polish descent. He was of the same breed and race as Kosciusko. Campbell, the poet says: “And Freedom shrieked as Kosciusko fell.”
The Nietzsche family were all strongly imbued with libertarian ideas. They were driven out of Poland by intrenched Catholicism because they upheld the Protestant idea of private judgment in religious matters. Furthermore, Frederick Nietzsche in his writings (all translated into English) denounced German imperialism more fiercely than any American editor has ever done. Nietzsche is very much misunderstood. I think if Mr. C. F. Hunt would read Nietzsche it would do him good. Nietzsche was an absolute Freethinker, an Atheist, and goes far beyond Paine, Ingersoll, or Voltaire, in his ferocious assaults upon Christianity, its advocates and its founders. His Anti-Christ is splendid. In my opinion the article to which I allude is in no sense whatever pro-German. Might I also point out to Mr. Hunt that all good Americans profit materially by the wars of the past. These wars (waged for hundreds of years against French, English, Spaniards, Indians, and Americans) have given us the lands upon which we are now erecting our glorious democracy.