Chicago Disc Jockey E. Rodney Jones narrates Ragnar Redbeard's Might is Right on vinyl.
Might is an old Anglo-Saxon word, meaning Power or Force. In our society there are two kinds of Force, Passive and Militant. Might in many instances will divorce itself from morals and ethics and lead itself to the ugly act of war. Whether it’s the horrible sound of the cannon or the chanting of the marching demonstrators making known their cause. It is man’s way of displaying Might. Liberty and Justice can never be a reality without Power and Force. Power and Force guarantee victory, whether right or wrong. Throughout history, man’s fate has relied on Force.
It was the logic of the ancient world and is the logic of the world today. The intention of this recording is to make the listener aware of the ways, by Voting, Marching, Spending, and most horrible of all, fighting.
In all instances the final aim is Victory.
Might is Right - Narrated by E. Rodney Jones / Soul Wrinklers
Yambo Records 777-01
Side 1
Time 18:00
By “THE WE CARE INMATES” (T. Collins A. Dixon)
Narrated by E. Rodney Jones
Side 2
Time 21:00
By “LAFEYETTE LEAKE TRIO” (L. Leak W. Dixon C. James)
Billboard 23 June 1973